jag har förövrigt lovat att tillägna denna dikt till tove så it all yours baby.
Du ger mig luft i mörka tider.
Du ger mig kärlek även fast jag älskar med vider.
Jag tycker inte om dig bara för att du är snäll
Du har odlat ett underbart vacket mjäll.
Sommaren är som ett barn på födelsedagen.
Allt man vill göra är att leka med hästen i hagen.
Kom igen nu ta dig i kragen.
Sommarn är en överskattar årstid.
Där du inte får någon frid.
Det ända du vill göra är att supa.
Kanske också knulla någon brud med D-kupa.
Tänk på allt det positiva kanske åka båt och glida.
Nej det ända du kan göra är att tänka på en bruds äckliga slida.
Sommar överskattat ja eller nej?.
Nej fan ta tag i ditt liv och skaffa dig en tjej.
Påskhelg fett nice!
its true my internet connection has experinced some minor issues today but im gladly online again.
well its been a pretty awesome weekend with some alcohol drinking, some poker playing (i won) no big suprise.
well because my blogg is international i had some complains so now ill have to write in english but ill try to keep it properly even though my english grammer is a mess hehe. now on to the days topic girls who cant have a normal conversation and have to use words like baah typ and such. when you listen to a girl who speak with these common words in her language i think you will always get a second opinion and even considering sleeping with that girl its really avtändande (offlightning) HAHA! so i recommend to the girls out there who reads my blogg try to practice your speech it will come handy where ever you take it and try to have it sofisticated it will make you more attractive and nothing is more sexy then an intelligent woman in my opinion. i have read a book with dan brown i finished it today and made me think about life on other planets if it really excist and the only conclusion i could come up with that it must be some more out there if anybody got any intresting thoughts about this matter and want to discuss feel free to contact me on msn if you dont have i will post in this text. well on to my life i have worked today nothing special and because my internet troubles i had the opportunity to read alot and finished my book as i wrote if i was about to make a short essay of the book it was pretty nice but to predictable sometimes that will lower the grades a bit to three bokmärken out of five still a pretty awesome book hehe. well thats about it today ill try to make my blogg better next time when im not under time pressure because its getting late and i really need to go to bed. over n out/kjellekittlare (codename)